Sunday 28 October 2018

Sleeping Nurses and the 11 Critical Medicines

Yesterday, we took a trip down to Cardiff. It was my Father’s 88th birthday and my brother and sister whom I hadn’t seen for a while were there. It was good to catch up. As much as I would have liked to have stayed, this wasn’t possible, so it was a very long day. In fact it is the second Saturday in a row where I have gone to bed after midnight and then been up to post this blog first thing on Sunday morning. Although this morning, it was good to get an extra hour in bed! Fortunately, these days I don’t seem to need as much sleep as I once did, but that’s not the case for some folk. Amazingly, we spend approximately a third of our lives asleep, and many people - young people in particular - need a lot more sleep than the proverbial eight hours. And it’s not just me who says this. Dr Michael Farquhar, consultant in children’s sleep at Evelina London Children’s Hospital, posted an interesting blog last week where he discussed the importance of sleep and the positive impact effective sleep can have on our working lives.

Serendipitously, one of my Twitter friends also posted last week that she was on her second long day in a row, and was looking forward to her day off. All she really wanted to do was sleep and do nothing else. Twelve hour shifts are the most common shifts worked by nurses, and there are hundreds of websites offering scheduling formats for 12-hour shift combinations. What caught my attention in Dr Farquhar’s blog was his concept of ‘power naps’. Power naps are just 15 – 20 minutes long, and can help combat the worse outcomes of fatigue and tiredness. Although they might not work for everyone, power naps are definitely something for those working in the NHS to consider. Of course NHS employers would need to provide facilities so that their staff can take a power nap! Working long hours, and often on shifts and, increasingly these days, in situations where the workload is relentless, will take its toll on most people’s health and wellbeing. Having enough sleep, and good quality sleep, is essential to our health. 

Dr Farquhar suggests that when we don’t have enough sleep, or have troubled sleep and inadequate time to recover between shifts, we are likely to suffer short and long term issues. These can include: irritability, being less empathic and patient, an inability to concentrate, and being less able to cope with the unexpected. All of which are unhelpful when working in front-line patient care. Longer term, the risk of disease such as obesity, depression, and cardiovascular disease increases. Sadly, tiredness in health care workers can also have catastrophic consequences for their patients. 

This was something I spent some time last week discussing with my pharmacy colleagues at Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh (WWL) NHS Trust. I was there to look at the difficulties in developing criteria for effectively measuring the percentage of critical medicines prescribed within 24 hours of admission or before a patient is moved to a new clinical area. It is not an easy task. There are 11 such medicines* listed in the WWL guidance. Some of these might be considered critical in some situations and yet the same drug might be used for less critical conditions. For example, anti-epileptics are on the list. One such drug in this category is Carbamazepine. It is mainly used as an anticonvulsant, and when used in this way it is clearly a critical medicine. It can also be used in other conditions, for example trigeminal neuralgia; a use which would not be considered as critical. It is a drug that is on the World Health Organisation’s List of Essential Medicines; a list that contains the most effective and safe medicines needed in a healthcare system. 

As things stand at present and even with our very sophisticated information system, teasing out the contextual use, omissions and delays in the prescribing and administration of these drugs is pretty much impossible. It can be done, but would demand huge resources in sifting through mountains of data by hand. Currently, we gain assurance through the cross-referencing of other data. For example, there were 79 wrong dose incidents over the last 12 months. Each of these incidents is investigated and the appropriate action taken. My colleagues took me through the medicines’ management data, much of which was very positive, and showing a trend in terms of safety that was going the right way. The Trust is 14th nationally for reporting medicine incidents, although analysis of these reports shows that 96% of them had not led to any patient harm. That is good news, but nothing to be complacent about. However, they also observed that many of the medicine incidents appeared to occur when nurses and doctors were working long days and having to face high pressure clinical demands. 

We have a Trust Board meeting next week and I think I will introduce the concept of power naps when making my Board Assurance report. I hope that, as the relentless demands on the NHS continue, those responsible for supporting staff delivering care, put in place approaches that better enable colleagues to deal with and avoid the negative consequences of fatigue and tiredness. And, given the early start to my day today (despite the clock going back an hour), I will try the power nap approach out myself later on.

*the 11 critical medicines – Antibiotics, Antivirals, Anticoagulants, Anti-epileptics, Anti-Parkinson’s, Corticosteroids, Insulin, Intravenous Fluids, Oral Hypoglycaemics, Cardiac Medicines, Immunosuppressants post-transplant, Desmopressin

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