Whilst I have long held the view
that nurses need to be more political in asserting their professional
contributions, I usually try and steer clear of politics in my blog. However,
last week a couple of news story topics made me pause and contemplate. So with
your indulgence, I am using my blog this week to take a Realpolitik view of
some of the issues that caused this pause. The first of these were the various stories
of migration.
Last Friday over 2000 people came
together to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the 500 Caribbean
migrants who came to Britain on the Empire Windrush ship. They were the first
people to come here and help re-build post-war Britain. Of course whilst the
anniversary celebration was a wonderful event, it was slightly marred by the
recent experiences of this generation and the threats made to deport some of
them. They were a generation of folk who had worked hard in the UK for all
their working lives. Whilst their origins were in the Caribbean, many now
quite rightly viewed themselves as British citizens.
I also read about the hard line
Italy was taking over refusing access to 224 migrants that had been rescued at
sea by a German aid group. This was a week after Italy had already refused a
ship containing 630 refugees to enter Italian ports. In a speech last week,
Italy’s Deputy Prime Minster Matteo Salvini, also declared war on the Roma
populations living in Italy and suggested that Italy should adopt policies on
immigration similar to those of Donald Trump in the US.
Like many others, I cannot help
but express my repulsion at what was reportedly happening in the US with
refugee children being separated from their parents and detained separately in
immigration holding centres. United Nations human rights experts have described
detaining children in this way ‘may amount to torture’. Whilst Trump has eventually
reversed this policy, I feel sure it was only the sheer abhorrence of what was
being done to children and reported internationally that gained this result. It
was a new and despicable low even for someone whose behaviour and policy
decision making appears so flawed and egocentric. Sadly it’s not just the US
doing this. In case you missed it, here is a link to Brigid Delaney’s report on
what is happening in Australia; it makes for grim reading.
What made these news items even
more difficult to comprehend was all of this was being reported in the week
that also contained World Refugee Day. During the week, the Guardian newspaper
ran a series of very powerful articles on the emergent migration crisis. On
World Refugee Day they posted a List of the names of 34,641 people who had died
while trying to reach Europe since 1993. It was a very powerful message. The
List was compiled by the group United for Intercultural Action. This group
represents 550 anti-racist organisations located across 48 countries. The
number of deaths recorded is also likely to be much higher in reality, as many
deaths go undocumented. Globally, there have been 60,000 deaths recorded since
Don’t get me wrong, like many
others, I think these migratory movements need a solution. I don’t know what
the solutions might be, but I do know that cruel and uncaring approaches are
not the answer. Realpolitik might help here, and I don’t mean the Machiavellian
and coercive approaches, sometimes associated with realpolitik, but those
approaches based upon realism and pragmatism. Sadly I think there was more than
a touch of Machiavellianism in the second political story to catch my eye last
week. This was the announcement of a massive increase in funding for the NHS,
based upon what we now know is unlikely to be a Brexit dividend but from a hike
in taxation.
The new funding proposal covers
the next five years from 2019/20 onwards. It equates to £20bn more revenue in
real terms compared with 2018/19. However, whilst this is welcome, the funding
is for the NHS England commissioning budget only, so does not cover capital
funding, public health, health education or social care. Many commentators were
making the point last week that this additional funding will not do much more
than keep the current services functioning. Perhaps more encouragingly, the
funding requires the development of a 10-year plan to ambitiously: put the
patient at the heart of how care is organised; develop a workforce empowered to
deliver the NHS of the future; harness the power of innovation; have a focus on
prevention; and achieve true parity of care between mental health and physical
health. These are ambitions with which not many of us would argue. However, it
takes time to educate and train the workforce. There are legislative barriers
to integrated care that need addressing. And if the Government is truly wanting
a different service-delivery model developed, then funding for social care must
also receive a similar up-lift in the amount of money available.
OK, thank you for indulging me in
allowing me this occasion to comment on these challenging issues. Next week, I
promise I will return to my usually politics-free approach to blog writing!