days before All Fools Day, came the announcement from JH that he plans to
require pre-registration nursing students to have worked for up to a year as a
healthcare assistant. All Fools' Day (or Poisson d'Avril in French) is a day when humour
should reign and practical tricks get played on others, and often such tricks
are played out for mass consumption. I had hoped that JHs announcement was just
that; but I fear he was being serious. In his response to the second Francis
Inquiry into the failings at the Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust, JH,
the Secretary of State for Health said: ‘every student who seeks NHS funding
for nursing degrees should first serve up to a year as a healthcare assistant,
to promote frontline caring experience and values, as well as academic
strength. They will also provide students with helpful experience for managing
healthcare assistants when they qualify and enter practice’.
Now some readers of this blog might have realised over the years that my
reading of the Daily Telegraph and the Iron Lady Portrait hanging on my bedroom
wall, and the blue rosette pinned to my lapel during general elections might
have provided a clue to my political loyalty – in the interest of fairness, there
are other political parties that can be supported – but this policy
announcement from the Tories really tests such loyalty – sorry Maggie, but its
The new body for commissioning nurse education (and all other health
professions education and training), Health Education England is to take this
work forward. Ian Cummings, the HEEs Chief Executive, welcomed the initiative.
And whilst we all agree that many NHS professionals lost their way at Mid
Staffs, and perhaps for a number of reasons forgot what the underpinning values
and beliefs required for compassionate care involved, this is not the way to
tackle the problem. In my view it’s the wrong answer to the wrong question. And
I despair for the future of our great NHS.
The experience in our School, one of the largest Schools providing nurse
education in England, is that many of our students are mature in age, have already
gained a range of life experiences, often in health and social care settings.
They have often worked hard at achieving the necessary academic qualifications
to gain a place on the programmes, are very motivated, self confident
individuals whose passion for nursing is articulated well in our values based
recruitment processes. Nursing
education standards were comprehensively reviewed in 2010 and include
compassionate care as a core component.
Last year, nationally there were just under 200,000 applications for
student nursing places. It’s difficult to see how the proposed initiative would
work with this number of potential applicants. Finding places on wards and in
community settings and expecting already stretched staff to provide learning
opportunities seems to be adding a burden rather than providing a workable
solution. It appears to me that rather than focusing on pre-registration students,
JH would be better concentrating on getting the right numbers and skill mix of
qualified nursing staff into clinical areas.
Most surprisingly to me, I found myself agreeing with Peter Carter of
the RCN over the issue. Peter Carter is the Chief Executive of the Royal
College of Nursing. He acknowledged the commitment from JH to review the
staffing levels in clinical areas, but cautioned about leaving the decision as
to what staffing levels might result in higher standards of compassionate care, to local managers. This was an approach that clearly didn’t work in Mid Staffs,
so why would it work elsewhere post the Francis Report? Last year, the RCN
commissioned the independent but somewhat ill conceived Willis Report into pre-registration nurse education. This
report found no evidence whatsoever that current nursing education is failing, nor that it is
associated with a decline in compassion. As for me, well I recovered my
composure at finding myself in total agreement with the RCN by lying down in a
darkened room for an hour. I bet Florence and Mary are turning in their graves.